Apa sampeyan, utawa wong sing sampeyan tresnani ing Selandia Baru, butuh oksigen luwih akeh? Mung, sampeyan mbutuhake mesin konsentrator oksigen? Konsentrator oksigen minangka jinis mesin medis sing nggunakake O2 saka sekitar lan ngusir Nitrogen. Iki menehi sampeyan udakara 99% oksigen, sing persis sampeyan kudu njupuk ing udhara. Kita pengin nuduhake mesin konsentrator oksigen 3 merek sing paling apik sing bisa mbantu sampeyan utawa wong sing dikasihi kanthi butuh oksigen.
Top 12 Oksigen Concentrator Brands in New Zealand
Ayo kita ngomong dhisik babagan merek sing diarani Zen O, mesin konsentrator oksigen sing digawe dening GCE Group. Salah sawijining fitur paling apik ing ZEN O yaiku ukurane, cilik lan bisa digawa menyang endi wae. Iki tegese sampeyan bisa nggawa menyang ngendi wae sanajan sampeyan menyang taman, omah kanca utawa malah liburan. Ukurane luwih cilik tinimbang koper, bobote kurang saka 5 kg tegese sampeyan nggawa luwih utawa kurang kaya tas ransel biasa. Iki becik kanggo wong sing tansah ing Go. Zen O bisa nyedhiyakake tingkat oksigen sing cukup utawa wektu nganti 8 jam kanggo kamardikan sing luwih dawa. Lan duwe port USB sing trep kanggo ngisi daya telpon utawa apa wae sing kudu diisi nalika digunakake!
Credit: Healthcare While another top-rated line is from one of the best brand, :init_rand_id:on12u2kbbjdos6f8:rqocwelon7oxiiqw; The Oxygen Concentrator is made for home use and that too only in the case of those who require a continuous supply. It is compact and light weight, enabling you to easily carry out this unit anywhere in your home. You can do it without hassle room to room with comfort. The machine also comes with an oxygen purity indicator which is a patented feature that tells you how much of the air entering into your nostrils comprises pure oxygen. This is an important safety feature so that you can breathe with confidence, knowing the oxygen you are receiving is of high quality. Oxygen Concentrator is also energy-efficient so it will not take much money to run 24*7.
Konsentrator Oksigen Paling Cocog kanggo Sampeyan
This brand, maker of the This brand One Portable Oxygen Concentrator is our final brand to mention. The This brand One itself is made to be very versatile and can fit in a variety of different areas throughout the home as well as travel with you on go. FAA-approved for air travel (if that matters to you) so yes by this I meant it can take flight when YOU do. It is also very light, so its easy to carry around anywhere you want. This brand One - Up to 5 hours of battery life, perfect for extended excursions This model delivers a great flow of oxygen and is therefore ideal for individuals who require high volumes to be comfortable.
Mbandhingake Telung Merk
Dadi, ayo mbandhingake kabeh 3 merek kanggo ngerteni sing paling apik kanggo sampeyan.
Zen O minangka pilihan sing menarik kanggo wong sing duwe gaya urip aktif lan golek konsentrator oksigen portabel. Yen sampeyan lelungan aktif lan mbutuhake kabebasan kanggo gerakan karo oksigen, banjur Zen O mesthi pilihan sing luwih apik.
Kanggo sing mbutuhake oksigen ing omah 24/7, pemenang sing jelas yaiku DeVilbiss Healthcare. Mesin Genmed Oksigen iku pangguna-loropaken, lan indikator kemurnian oksigen ngijini sampeyan ngerti udhara sing lagi ambegan.
This brand is an excellent option if you need high quality oxygen and a unit for use at home, as well on the go.
Pilih Konsentrator Oksigen Sing Cocok karo Sampeyan
Cepet njupuk: Sembarang salah siji saka mesin oksigen concentrator iki pilihan apik kanggo wong ing New Zealand lan bisa uga, preduli saka merek sampeyan pindhah karo.
Thus, if you are a New Zealand resident and require an oxygen concentrator machine like Zen O by GCE Group, DeVilbiss Oxygen Concentrator from DeVilbiss Healthcare or This brand One Portable Oxygen Concentrators as well. This has been the most common question so far since each brand comes with different extras and quality, which need lots of thought to come up on a final decision that suits you best.